Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Boinc Server Ubuntu Install: How To

First off this was done on an install of Ubuntu 11.10

1) Create a user called boincadm and give it sudo access.

2) Install all the servers components
sudo apt-get install subversion build-essential apache2 php5 mysql-server php5-gd php5-cli php5-mysql python-mysqldb libtool automake autoconf pkg-config libmysql++-dev libssl-dev

3) Get the boinc server code and build it
svn co http://boinc.berkeley.edu/svn/branches/server_stable boinc
cd boinc; ./_autosetup; ./configure --disable-client; make

4) You should be in the boinc folder at this step, time to setup a project
cd tools
./make_project --url_base "DomainNameOfServer" --db_name "NameOfTheDatabaseYouWant" --db_user "root" --db_passwd "rootpassword" --drop_db_first NameOfProject NameOfProject@Home

5) The last step will ask you two questions answer y and press enter.

6) At the end of the project setup it will display something like
Done creating project. Please view
for important additional instructions.

Open up these instructions and follow them to the T. It will have you setup a cron job, and set the apache server config up. At the end it shows you how to stop, start and restart the server.

7) You now should be able to start actually creating and running a project. This is the step I am at and hopefully everything in the last few steps works out. I'll continue to edit and add to these pages so there is some sort of documentation.

http://wiki.debian.org/BOINC/ServerGuide #Note sudo apt-get install boinc-server-maker does not work


  1. Worked for me...
    Hoping for more instructions

    Thanks and Regards,

  2. i got error message that OBJCXX is undefined.. and option subdir-objects is disabled... what this means..? i use the os ubuntu 16.04, x86 achitecture cpu
