Thursday, September 25, 2014

Unity3D Beginner Stealth CCTV Camera Animation Tutorial

In the unity tutorial for Chapter 1, Part 07, they want you to animate the camera using ping-pong looping however that option is not available in the Animation window. With a little searching I found this forum post that worked for me.

The main points to follow:
  1. Follow the tutorial video up until you have to change the looping type of the animation.
  2. Change the "Inspector" panel to "Debug" mode using the little menu to the right of the tab listing.
  3. Add an Animation component and remove the Animator component if you added it before.
  4. Drag the Animation object you created in the tutorial from the Project listing into the Animation field of the animation component.
  5. Finally, change the wrap mode to ping-pong.
* Note: this won't change the animation loop in the Animation preview window but it should behave as desired when you run the game.

Hope this helps anyone stuck on this part.

Friday, September 19, 2014

Maze Game in Unity

Maze Game in Unity
                                        By  Mounika Chillamcherla,
                               Puja Davande
                                    Preethi Chimerla

Our game is a simple maze game, where the player(ball) will be moving in different directions to reach the pole (final destination).Bonus objects are scattered on the ground. The player gain an additional 1000 points, when he hit the bonus objects. Player win the game once he hits the pole by passing through different logic aisels. Player is the ball which will be controlled through navigation keys.
Introducing maze Game:
*Create First Project in Unity:
Download unity software from the url @ then open unity software,
file -> new project -> (save the project in a directory)

              Infinite Path game using Unity3d

Objective: The main objective of the game is to implement an infinitely generating linear track/maze and develop a rolling ball game using Unity3d.

Game Play:
The player in this game is a sphere which can be moved in the game using the arrow keys. The ball cannot move backward. The Green and Red cubes act as obstacles to the game. The Red obstacles move horizontally in the track and whenever the player collides with the Red moving Obstacles, you lose control over the player and the game ends.

The track looks like a finite length track but its length increases at runtime, making it an infinite length track. The distance on the plane travelled by the player is displayed as score in the game.



1. Infinite Track:
The infinite track is implemented using prefabs and instantiate function.  We have created three prefabs for the tracks for track0, track1 and track2. All the three tracks are placed one after the other initially. As the ball reaches the edge of the track0, instantiate function is called and one of the three tracks is selected randomly and is appended at the edge of the track2 with the same orientation. Similarly as the ball reaches the edge of track1, instantiate is called again and the track is appended with one of the three tracks. As the game progresses, the track is generated at run time.

2. Player Movement:
The Player moves as we press the arrow keys, but the backward movement of the player is restricted. Once the player move forward on the track, you cannot move the player in backward (-z) direction. To implement this, the force is made to apply only when the movement is in +z and force is not applied when the movement is in -z direction.

3. Moving Obstacles:
The red obstacles placed in the track, moves horizontally across the length of the track. PingPong function is used for this purpose and the movement is multiplied by Time.deltaTime to make the movement consistent with the frame. OnTriggerEnter (Collider Other) is used to detect the collisions of the player with the red obstacles and the game over is displayed.

4. Game Over:
As the player collides with the Red obstacle, the game over message is displayed using "gameoverText.text" and you lose control over the player i.e., you can’t move the player using arrow keys anymore.

5. The GameObjects are colored using "gameObject.renderer.material.color".

Future enhancements – thoughts:
  1. Timer
  2. Replacing the sphere with an animated avatar.
  3. Including pits and valleys in the track like temple run (may be)
  4. Adding the jump movement to the player object.
  5. Adding animated explosions when the player object collides with the red obstacles.
  6. More camera views.
  7. Adding Terrain and scenes.

Creating a Pool Ball Game

                              By Matthew Joyal, Vamsidhar Reddy Kasireddy, Anicia D’costa
Introduction:  We will be creating a Pool game (3rd person) using Unity where they will be a player ball and some pool balls.  The  pool balls appear at random location when the game starts. The Player (User) has to put all the pool balls into the pocket within a specified amount of time. The input to the player ball will be taken from the keyboard.  When the player puts all the pool balls into the pocket in the specified time, he wins the game. This document will help you create this game.

Setting of the Game:
Creating a new Project in Unity: First download the latest Unity Version from the below link(In case you don’t have it in your system already)

Creating a new project in Unity:

1.      Click on the edit button-> New project ->Create a new Project “Pool –Game”

2.      After creating the project, a new scene opens.

3.      Saving the scene

Creating the Field for the game:

     We can create a Plane object in two ways.

    First we could create it from the menu button Game Object->Create Other->Plane

    Else from the Hierarchy ->Create->Plane

  Once the plane is created, we could see it in the Scene. We always reset the  

   Component so that it comes to the origin. Rename the plane to ground by double

  Clicking on the object, changing name to “ground” and pressing enter key. We can 

  Change the size of the plane by just changing its values in X and Z scales.
Creating the Player Ball:
Select Hierarchy ->Create->Sphere

Rename the Sphere to “Player”, Reset the sphere to the origin and Lift the player above the origin. Add 0.5units to Y -axis position


 We could change the color of the Sphere using Materials. Click on Assets->create-Folder->Materials

In the folder Materials, Click ->Material and save as “PlayerColor”. Change the color using Shader button in the Material. We have chosen diffuse  and red color. Drag this Material and attach it to the player Object .

Adding Lights to the Player Object:

First we add directional light, Hierarchy panel->create->directional Light


 Rename it has “Main Light “ by double clicking on the object and pressing enter key. Change the direction of the light, so that the field and the player ball can be seen properly and the field view is not dark. Changing the position on the inspector panel of the light will change is direction (x, y, z values).



Fill light is required on the player ball, use another directional light and name is has “Fill Light”. We can duplicate the main light.



Controlling the Player Object :

    To apply physics to any object, we need to have a rigid body attached to the object

    To create a rigid body, Click on the player object,

     Select Component menu->physics->rigid body  , Else In Inspector panel ->add 

   component->physics->rigid body

   For the player to move, we need to capture the user input from the keyboard. We 

   can capture that in a script. We are using C sharp language for scripting.

   In Inspector panel ->add component->new script.

   We can open the script by double clicking it.


We need to capture the movement of the User from the keyboard. This can be written in FixedUpdate() method. This method is used to apply physics to the player ball, in our case moving the player ball.
Below code will make the player ball move.

public float speed;

void FixedUpdate()

      //captures the input from the keyboard
         var moveHorizontal = Input.GetAxis ("Horizontal");
        var moveVertical = Input.GetAxis ("Vertical");
        // creating a vector to apply this force to player body.

        //y- component is set to zero , since the player does not open up   

        var movement = new Vector3 (moveHorizontal, 0.0f, moveVertical);
       // adding the force to the player.
        rigidbody.AddForce (movement * speed * Time.deltaTime);




By creating a public variable “speed”, we can change this value from the editor itself.


After saving the script, when we return to back if there are some errors, It will display on the console. We don’t have errors, Run the game we see the player object moving 


Creating the Walls for the play Field:

 Walls are used for the player ball and poll balls don’t fall down the game field. We do create a pocket at the intersection of two walls. Will have four pockets in total. Creating pocket assets in Maya and import into Unity could modify this.

 To create a wall,

 Hierarchy panel ->create->sphere.

Scale it to (x,y ,z, 0.5,2,8.5). Push it towards the edge.


 Similarly do this for all the sides of the field. All the four walls created.


Collision between the player ball and pool balls:

  For the force to be forwarded to the pool balls once they collide with the player ball, we write the below code in the PlayerController script which we created before.


void onControllerColliderHit (ControllerColliderHit other)
        other.rigidbody.AddForce (transform.forward * speed * Time.deltaTime);

OnControllerColliderHit is called when the player ball hits a pool ball while performing a move.  We use the same “speed” variable used before for the movement of the player ball.


Adding Skybox :

Skyboxes are a wrapper around your entire scene that display the vast beyond of your world.


Select Edit menu-> Render setting- >Skybox material-> Select any one of the skybox available.


Main Camera :


As soon as we create a new scene in Unity there will be a default Game Object Called Main Camera which gives us the view of the scene being developed. As we are developing a game based on sphere in a plane, using a camera which doesn't move and see much it would be difficult for a participant to observe the movement. In order to Facilitate we are attaching the camera to the Player Game object. We can attach the camera to player object as a child object or based on player object transformation position.


Attaching a camera to player object as a child object is not advisable. Consider the player object which is sphere in this perspective, will rotate on all three axes. As child objects rotation will be in accordance with parent object, the camera will also move on three axes which gives us a distorted view. In Order to avoid this, we will add the camera using a Script. Offset value will be the distance between player object and the camera. As the player is above origin and camera is very closer to it we will select player transform position as offset value. Using Add component button in the Inspector Window select a new script. Name the script as Camera controller and open it for editing. We declare two variables, Public Player Object Variable and private Vector 3 Variable. As offset is declared in script we set it as private.


Offset Value is declared as the cameras current position in Start function offset = transform.position. For follow cameras it is best to use Late update function, So in Late update function the cameras position is equal to players transform position plus the offset value.



Save script and return to unity. Drag player game object into the player variable in Inspector window as reference to player game object. Enter the play mode and validate that the camera works as expected.

Third person view or Birds Eye view Camera :


We included this is a secondary camera which can be used by participant to have a Third person view or a Birds Eye view of the Plane or Ground . In order to Facilitate this we Selected Create in Hierarchy Window and Created a Camera object. Rename the object as Birds Eye camera. To have this view keep the coordinates of Position as (0,25,2) and rotate the camera with coordinates (90,0,0). We can either select the camera to be moving along with the player object or just stationary. We used the above camera controller script to make this camera move along with the movement of Player Object.


Timer :  In order to Induce some anxiety in the participants we Introduced a CountDown Timer.


Declare a public float variable timer, so we can update the timer in GUI . in Update Function set the timer as timer= timer - Time.Deltatime . Include a New function OnGUI to display the timer in the Play Screen. Set the Following coordinates to display the Timer in the Right Top corner of the screen

GUI.Box (new Rect (Screen.width-100, 0, 100, 50) , timer.ToString (0));"


Add a If clause if (timer=0) set timer as 0 because the timer shows the negative values in Play screen and also to quit the play mode once we are done with time add  UnityEditor.EditorApplication.isPlaying=false


Camera Toggle Option: As we have two cameras in the game, we need an option to toggle between them, so we gave an option using Keys Mand N. The first view would be of Main Camera, to display Second Camera view we should press Key Nand to get back to Main camera view we need to press Key M


Create an Empty object and Rename it as Toggle , reset the position of the object to origin.
Select Add Component and add new script. Declare two public variables Maincam and Secondcam. In Start function enable the Main cam and disable the second cam by using

          maincam.enabled = true;

                        secondcam.enabled = false;

In Update function to get the Key press use Input.GetKeyDown and create two IF clause as below to toggle the cameras

if (Input.GetKeyDown ("m"))


                                    maincam.enabled = true;

                                    secondcam.enabled = false;


                        if (Input.GetKeyDown ("n"))


                                    maincam.enabled = false;

                                    secondcam.enabled = true;


validate that we are able to toggle in Play mode by pressing the Keys.

 Creating the pool ball prefab:

We now have the play area, player, and camera’s setup for our game. No we need to setup the other balls that our player will be trying to knock off the table.

1.      In the Hierarchy window click on Create and select Sphere

2.      Name this sphere “PoolBall”

3.      Now click and drag the “PoolBall” object from the Hierarchy window to the Project window and put it in a “Prefab” folder.

4.      Delete the “PoolBall” object from the Hierarchy as we will be programmatically adding a bunch of them.

5.      Add a script to the prefab “PoolBall” (it will be used to select all the PoolBalls later)

6.      Change the “PoolBall” Material if you want.


Instantiating the pool balls:

1.      Select the “Player” object from the Hierarchy and then open the Player Controller script for editing.

2.      When the game starts up we want to create a bunch of the “PoolBall” prefabs first add a public variable called “numPoolBalls”. This will allow us to dynamically change the number of balls in the game from the Unity Editor.

3.      In the Start method add a for loop that loops from 0 to numPoolBalls

4.      Inside the for loop you’ll want to run the Instantiate method with the poolBallPrefab as the first parameter

5.      The second parameter in the Instantiate method tells the program where to put the new object. Since we want it to be random create a new Vector3 with a Random.Range between -8.0f and 8.0f for the x and z value. For the y value put 0.5 as we want it to load on the table.

6.      For the final parameter you can just put Quaternion.identity since it is a sphere and the rotation doesn’t matter in our game.

7.      When you Instantiate you will want to capture the new object in a GameObject.

8.      Edit the new objects renderer.material.color so that it equals a new Color using Random.Range(0.0f,1.0f) for each of the values. This will give you a random call for each ball.

9.      The completed section of code should look like the following:



In order to track the number of balls the player has knocked off the table we will be getting all objects of type PoolBallControler which is the script that was added to the “PoolBall” prefab earlier.

1.      In the PlayerController script add two public GUIText called countText and winText. Also add a private int called count.

2.      In the FixedUpdate method add a line that calls the FindObjectsOfType with the typeof(PoolBallController) as the parameter.

3.      Capture the return of the FindObjectsOfType in a PoolBallController array

4.      Create a new int called ballsOffTable and set it to 0

5.      Loop through the array checking the transform.position.y of each item in the array. If the y value is under 0 increase the value of ballsOffTable by one

6.      After the for loop set count equal to ballsOffTable

7.      Call a method called SetCountText() which we will create in the next step. The current code should look something like this:

8.      Create void SetCountText()

9.      Inside the method set countText.Text to “Count: “ plus the value of count as a string

10.  Also, add an if statement that checks if the count is greater than or equal to numPoolBalls. Inside the if statement set winText.text equal to “YOU WIN!!!!”


Resetting the Player Ball if it goes off the table:

If the player ball goes off the table currently it will just fall, instead we would like the ball to be reset back to the starting position.

1.      In the PlayerController script add a private Vector3 called initialposition and a private Quaternion called initialrotation

2.      In the Start method set initialposition equal to transform.position and initialrotation equal to transform.rotation.

3.      Now that we have the starting position of the ball saved.

4.      In the FixedUpdate method add an if statement that checks if gameObject.transform.position.y is less than 0. If it is set the transform.position and transform.rotation to the values that were saved previously.


Feel free to add some additional shading to the table and side walls. After your done it should look something like the below image.


When working in Unity if you notice that you don’t have shadows it is possible that it is due to your machine having integrated graphics. Follow the steps below for a possible fix:

1.       Select Edit > Project Settings > Player

2.      You will see a bunch of tabs for each of the platforms that you can Build a Unity game for. It really doesn't matter which tab you're on for the setting that needs changing.

3.      You will see a few setting headers, Resolution and Presentation, Icon, Splash Image and Other Settings. The setting I changed is found other the Other Settings section.

4.      The setting that needs to be unchecked is Use Direct3D 11. This will force Unity to run using Direct3D 9 (at least in my case).

5.      After you uncheck Use Direct3D 11 Unity will alert you that it needs to reload the scene and with any luck when it reloads you should now see shadows.