Thursday, September 25, 2014

Unity3D Beginner Stealth CCTV Camera Animation Tutorial

In the unity tutorial for Chapter 1, Part 07, they want you to animate the camera using ping-pong looping however that option is not available in the Animation window. With a little searching I found this forum post that worked for me.

The main points to follow:
  1. Follow the tutorial video up until you have to change the looping type of the animation.
  2. Change the "Inspector" panel to "Debug" mode using the little menu to the right of the tab listing.
  3. Add an Animation component and remove the Animator component if you added it before.
  4. Drag the Animation object you created in the tutorial from the Project listing into the Animation field of the animation component.
  5. Finally, change the wrap mode to ping-pong.
* Note: this won't change the animation loop in the Animation preview window but it should behave as desired when you run the game.

Hope this helps anyone stuck on this part.

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